• A Word From the Minister 5/29/24 -

    Dear Ones,

    On Saturday, we begin another month and examine a new theme: Renewal. Gertrude Stein said, “Every day is a renewal, every morning the daily miracle.” I cannot think of a better way to face some of the challenges presented to us. We must remember ... read more.

  • A Word from the Minister 5/22/24 -

    Dear Ones,

    What we do not often think about when we think of pluralism is what is required to have it in the first place. It would be nice to say that the recognition of the celebration of all sacred beings was universal, but it is ... read more.

  • A Word From the Minister 5/15/24 -

    Dear Ones,

    When diverse groups of people get together, unfortunately, we sometimes find that people within some of those groups are intentionally mistreated. Words and phrases like discriminated against, marginalized, disempowered, and excluded may come to mind. The conduct that might constitute evidence of this type ... read more.

  • Word From the Minister 5/8/24 -

    Dear Ones,

    On May 6th, CVUU had its 94th anniversary, and this coming Sunday, May 12th, the Unitarian Universalist Association, which was created from the merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America, is celebrating its 63rd Anniversary! What a lot to ... read more.