Board Bits

The  CVUU Board of Directors met via Zoom on May 16th, 2024. Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator ( Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the Board meeting date. The Board meets every month, either via Zoom or in person. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM.   

The meeting is open to congregants to observe. Congregational members who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President David Kidd before the meeting to include them on the agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting will be June 20, 2024.

Please remember to mark your calendars for the June 9th, 2024 Annual Meeting!

Rev Viola: Summer Services begin June 30th, and most Sundays have been planned! On April 22nd, the Minister and the Administrator attended the Security for Religious Professionals Class hosted by the Virginia Beach Police Department.

Rev Mark: Some inconsistencies with RE attendance, which are typical in other congregations, lend themselves to exploring post-COVID concepts of how to meet the needs of children’s religious education. Chalice Camp may be canceled due to commitments from both children and volunteers below the threshold, TBD. However, Summer Intergenerational activities will be offered on Sunday! A Bridging Ceremony is being planned, and Adult RE continues to thrive.

Finance: Pledge Drive Updates –  As of May 16th, pledges total 371,552. The finance committee is seeking $410,000. Approximately 33 past pledge units have not pledged, totaling 54,000.   

Budget Approval: The Board decided to hold off voting for the Budget at the May 16th meeting and to vote electronically next week, to avoid presenting a deficit budget to the congregation on June 9th. The Finance Committee continues to monitor the contributions at CVUU after the 50/50 split:   

Fundraiser for Community Table: On Father’s Day, June 16th, Community Table will hold a fundraiser. People can purchase lunch to either take home or eat on the premises.    

Word On the Street: People are loving the worship services!

Board Bouquets: 

Susie Gullixson for exceptional service to CVUU for the past 10 years.  We are beyond indebted and grateful!

Volunteers for First Friday include Ellie, Mark, Michael, and Sally.  You all make the church community FUN!

Safety Committee:  Thank you for committing your time and wisdom to ensuring the safety for us all.

Ushers and Greeters:  Thank you all for being present and assisting everyone in entering our building after it is locked! Great squat workout 😊 getting up and down!