Winter Shelter for those in Norfolk

Below is a quick run down of the planned emergency winter shelter program in the city of Norfolk and how you can help.

Time: December 4th to March 31st (tentatively).

Oversight: Jordan Brown (OV Church) and Stephanie Van Leeuwen (The Norfolk Street Choir Project) are the points of contact for this project. While there is no overseeing organization, there will be an oversight committee comprised of representatives from each location and the project points of contact. If you are interested in helping by being a coordinator for a week or more, please reach out to one of us!

Location: These are being solidified. If you have a location and are willing to host Winter Shelter for a week or longer at your location, please contact Jordan or Stephanie ASAP. 

Volunteering: This Sign Up Genius link contains volunteer opportunities for each date we are expecting to run the shelter. The times are listed by the evening date they are associated with. So the breakfast that would be served on Monday, December 5th is listed with the Sunday, December 4th date.

Meals & Donations: This Sign Up Genius link contains opportunities for individuals or organizations to sign up to provide dinner, breakfast, snacks, bus ticket support for the week, or to help with weekly blanket washing. As locations are solidified, other opportunities will likely be added based on the needs of that particular location (janitorial services, etc.).

If you have any questions, ideas, or have another resource to offer, please feel free to contact us.  We will continue providing more information as it becomes available.

With appreciation,

Jordan Brown & Stephanie Van Leeuwen

Stephanie Van Leeuwen
Executive Director & Outreach Coordinator
(757) 376-7594 /

The Norfolk Street Choir Project
Engaging the community to encourage and support our neighbors in need.
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