• Faith Development Corner 7/08/2024 (7/10/2024) - Summer Intergenerational Activity, July 14, 2024 Jars and Sand Sculpture in the Social Hall at 12:00 PM.  Please join us and be creative.

    Never too early to register for RE and to consider teaching for 2024-2025.

    If you are an adult and would love to offer a ... read more.

  • Youth Faith Development (5/29/2024) -

    For June 9th, 2024

    PRE-K TO Kindergarten

    Spirit Play: “Pledge to the Earth.”  Come find out!  Starts at 10:00 AM

    1st – 3rd Grade

    Soul Matters theme for the month is: The Gift of Renewal.

    Direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder are primary sources of Unitarian Universalist inspiration. These ... read more.

  • Hunt for eggs and win a prize! (4/5/2023) -

    The Easter bunny’s a clever one.
    Hiding 12 eggs just for fun
    You’ll find them on our website now
    just follow these clues and you’ll learn how ….

    The best tool is, of course, a SEARCH
    Start where the Newcomers go
    You just might find a shiny one
    but you must look ... read more.

The RE Program encompasses a variety of fun and meaningful opportunities for families, and really ANYONE who want’s to get involved.
From traditional events that happen monthly or annually, to new and exciting ideas and information, there is always something going on at CVUU.