Board Bits October 2022

The CVUU Board of Directors met via Zoom on Thursday, October 20th, 2022. Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator ( Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the date of the Board meeting. The Board meets every month on Zoom and/or in person. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm. The meeting is open for congregants to observe. Congregants who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President Steve Ciganek before the meeting so they can be included on the agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting is on November 17th, 2022.

Rev Viola: CVUU website will now include the Music Director Position. Overflow parking is in the final stages of agreement for Saturday and Sunday parking CVUU Marketing and Rental Rate Task Force are hard at work. They have created a phenomenal brochure to market our space for weddings and other events. They are working with the Board to explore marketing partnerships Tidewater Cluster Assembly at CVUU on March 11th, 2023. Mark your calendars! Be on the lookout for how you can help. It will be an all-hands-on-deck request!

Fundraising Taskforce: Soon to be newly created. Want to help? Ask the Board. All help will be gratefully received!

Word on the Street: We recognize people are still adjusting after the pandemic by mobilizing energy to re-engage.

Board Bouquets: Tracy Navarra-Davis as she exits the Board. The Board is beyond grateful for all her time, effort, and wisdom. Susie Gullixson and Tracy Brune for the hard work and diligence in getting our web and email back up. Rev Viola and Team for creating a music director job description. The CREC for the excellent work with parents and children on the children’s religious education. CVUU Marketing and Rental Rates Taskforce for the exciting prospects and beautifully designed brochure to debut soon.