Board Bits August 2022

The CVUU Board of directors met Thursday, August 18, 2022. Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator (Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the date of the Board meeting. The Board meets monthly on Zoom and in person as we attempt a hybrid version to include all. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. The meeting is open for congregants to observe. Congregants who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President Steve Ciganek before the meeting so that they can be included on the agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting is on September 15, 2022.

Rev Viola: Worship has been going well over the summer months. The minister will be leading a New member Covenant Group in the fall. It is starting on August 21st and will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each month. The minister also continues to provide additional support to RE. In the absence of a Music Director, the Worship Service Committee has secured musicians for all in-person services through the end of the calendar year.

Director of Religious Education (DRE) Paul Greggs: Primary focus is obtaining teachers for the upcoming church year. Currently, we are down approximately 25%. The curriculum has been set through April 2023 to include Spirit Play. Please be on the lookout for the many fun family events that are being planned, including the Buddy Breakfast and Trunk and Treat.
Stay tuned!

Treasurer’s Report: We are off to a good start. Please see full details of the treasurer’s report in the Board Minutes.

Covid Masking Update:

CVUU Board continues to require masking for everyone inside the church building when children four and under are present. This requirement will be in effect until Sept 09, 2022, so that families would have the opportunity to vaccinate their children that are four and under.

Furthermore, Masks will continue to be mandatory for all people in indoor areas where and while children’s religious activities are in progress. The CVUU Board re-examines all our policies periodically.

CVUU Strategic Long Range Goals: The Board continues to diligently work toward fulfilling the goals to include the CVUU Marketing and Rental Rates Task Force and the Cluster Assembly

Cluster Assembly Meeting: March 11, 2023. Theme and Keynote Speaker TBD.

Word on the Street: We are deeply saddened by the passing of several congregants.

Memorial services TBD.

Board Bouquets: Judy Welp, Doug Throp, and the entire Building Council for the wonderful Social Hall. Rene Navarra-Davis and the Tech Team for their time, dedication, and professionalism. Susie Gullixson for the organization of our first blood drive. Doug Throp and the Environmental Initiative Committee for the Nex Recycling Program. We are thrilled to be a part of this!