Board Bits

The CVUU Board of Directors met on Thursday, July 20th, 2023 via Zoom. Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator (Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the date of the Board meeting. The Board meets every month, either via Zoom or in person. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM. The meeting is open to congregants to observe. Congregants who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President David Kidd prior to the meeting so that they can be included on the agenda.

The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting will be on August 17, 2023.

Reverend Viola: Three new members were welcomed into the congregation on July 9th service.

Reverend Mark Wise, Life Span Faith Development Coordinator: Intergenerational Summer
Activities are off to a great start! He warmly encourages all to join, young and old alike! OWL (Our Whole Lives) will be offered for grades 7-9 and 10-12.

Finance Committee: We ended the year 12,00 in the black!

Covid Balcony Policy: to be discussed at the August meeting

Safety: A friendly reminder to lock all doors if you are the last person in the church! Doors were found open on Thursday before the Board meeting. We have two members who attended the Religious Institutions Safety and Security Academy. Information to be shared at a later date.

Rental Task Force: The RTF is looking for anyone interested in renting space at CVUU. If you know someone that aligns with our principles and values, please contact Susie, our office administrator for information.

Word on the Street: Numerous people are expressing joy and satisfaction with the services.

Board Bouquets:
Rev Mark: Our Life Span Faith and Development Coordinator and all the wonderful programming; Crystal Lennon for her inspiring music; The Choir and their joyful voices; our Tech Team and the projector operations: We are indebted !!!