A Message From the President

Our beloved community at CVUU has been very busy this fall! 

Under the direction of Rev. Mark Wise, our Lifespan Faith Development Coordinator, our children have launched another year of religious education and can soon look forward to a playground thanks to the efforts of Dave Borntrager, Paul Moss, Robyn Thomas, and many others. For the first time in many years, we have OWL (Our Whole Lives) instruction at CVUU, and we are offering adult religious education in areas ranging from yoga to UU history. Sally Daniel has done incredible work coordinating event rentals, and our choir, under the direction of Crystal Lennon, has filled our sanctuary with some incredible music. Our settled minister, Rev. Viola Abbitt, continues to deliver profound sermons from our pulpit, and CVUU’s first-ever online auction is, at the time of this writing, garnering important funds for our church’s work, featuring many events that will bring congregants together and offering some beautiful works of art and other items and services.  

Two newly appointed board members, Julia Lawrence, and Judy St. George, will be fulfilling the terms of Gerrie Phibbs and Chuck Kellen, who were called away by life’s ever-evolving duties, and we thank them all for their work. CVUU’s Board, Finance Committee, and newly reworked Social Justice Committee, along with many other committees and groups, have been intensely working on finding new ways to coordinate our finances with our UU principles and exploring new ways to share our plate with those causes we value. Please give generously to our work for our causes and our beloved community. Here are some of the many ways you can get engaged this fall: 

  • Bid on items in our first-ever online auction
  • Come to Trunk or Treat and our Halloween Party tomorrow, October 28th 
  • Read with the Rev. on November 18th – Unlocking the Power of Covenant by the UUA 
  • Go to a Fabulous First Friday dinner
  • Sign up for Sexton training with Doug Throp 
  • Come to the Adult Discussion Group 


Above all …  

Remember this November to VOTE!! 

David Kidd, Ph. D.

(he, him, his)

CVUU President