A Word From the Minister 5/1/24

Happy Anniversary to CVUU! We first began as the Unitarian Church of Norfolk on May 6, 1930. That makes 94 years! May we continue for AT LEAST 94 more!

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) will be taking place from June 20th to June 23rd, and this year it is 100% virtual! Participating in GA is one way to see our “manyness” in action. GA is where the business of the UUA takes place, and this year the most important business will be the vote on the proposed revisions to Article 2 of the bylaws of the UUA. As a member congregation of the UUA, CVUU is entitled to have delegates present to participate in this significant decision. If you would like to represent CVUU and be one of our delegates, please send an email to me at minister@c-vuu.org.

It is hard to believe that May is here. And with May, we begin our exploration of the theme of The Gift of Pluralism. The work of the Article 2 Study Commission resulted in the identification of pluralism as a value of Unitarian Universalists. The concept of pluralism is one of the first things I think about when I try to explain what Unitarian Universalism is to people. We are a faith that, at its core, embraces diversity. The broad and welcoming umbrella that is Unitarian Universalism is what sometimes makes it difficult for us to be together, but it is also makes us so special and lifesaving when we get it right. The title of the service this coming Sunday is “The Manyness of Who We Are,” and we will be exploring some of these issues. After the service we will have a May pole celebration in the Gathering Area. If it rains, we will have it on the third floor.

Between May 5th and May 12th, we will be celebrating our Unitarian Universalism valUUes, and each day Rev. Mark and I will be having a conversation about one of the values identified by the Article 2 Study Commission during our “Reverends Reveries.” We will start with Pluralism and end with Love. Don’t miss it. You will be able to find us on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. And we want to hear what YOU have to say about each of them, so don’t forget to comment!

This month, we will be giving away 50% of what we receive in our Sunday offering plate to Divine Inspiration Outreach (DIO). DIO is an organization in Chesapeake serving single women in crisis, ages 18 to 65. These women are past the emergency shelter phase and are getting ready to get into supportive housing. The women Divine Inspiration houses are given help to overcome trauma, and supported with life skills and boundaries training, budgeting and saving skills, and employment help. The goal is to enable them to reach their highest level of self-sufficiency in the community. To learn more about DIO, visit their website at https://divineio.org/.

The Third Annual Buy Nothing Fair will be held at the church this Saturday! At home, I have a box that I am filling with gently used things for the event. I am just worried that I might end up coming home with the box still full, but with the “new” things I find!

Don’t forget the Joe Jencks concert on June 8th! It should be a wonderful evening. Mark your calendars. I hope to see many of you there.

I close this week with “Pluralism” by Sho Baraka.

In peace and love,

Rev. Viola

Rev. Viola Abbitt  (She/They)
Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalists
809 South Military Highway
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Office: 1-757-627-5371x3Mobile: 1-757-354-4541

My Sabbath is on Fridays.
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