Sunday Service

On Sunday, August 4th, you may join us at 11 AM for “Embracing Imperfection” with Sally Daniel.

We all strive to be perfect. And, yet, we are not. What do we do when we are faced with our imperfections? Do we chalk them up to our natural sinful self? Do we use them as excuses not to try? Do we try to hide these imperfections so nobody else will know they are there? Let us explore the notion that not only is everyone imperfect but that embracing that fact will allow us the freedom to work together.

Sally Daniel has been a member of this congregation since the 80’s. She and her husband, Steve, found this to be the place to raise their two sons. She has had various jobs—from working as a parole officer to directing a halfway house for felons to being the Director of Religious Education at UCN/CVUU and directing a program at TCC to encourage women to pursue non-traditional employment. She admits that acknowledging her imperfections is hard for her… although they are readily apparent to her family and friends.

These services will be offered in person (AND ON ZOOM) at 11 AM. For Zoom access, click here. Enter: Meeting ID – 760 822 163 and Password – 2021809, or dial +1 301 715 8592.

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