Sunday Service

On Sunday, May 26th, you may join us at 11 AM for a Memorial Day service, “Remembering More Than Just Boots,” with guest speaker Jake Hearan. 
“Our monuments to the fallen along the Vietnam Memorial or at the base of a Battle Cross would not be complete without a pair of combat boots. But as I look back at my own time in service, plenty of other footwear comes to mind as well: jump boots and rugby boots, diving flippers and shower slippers, running shoes, and dress shoes. While some of them might never be worn again, my service would not be what it is without all of them.”
Jake (Blackfeet/Sámi) grew up in Austin, TX, before moving away to attend college and enlist in the Army.
He served eight years on active duty. The Unitarian Universalist Association approved his entry into the Army Reserve Chaplain Candidate Program while studying at Union Theological Seminary (NYC). His ministry has spanned Turtle Island to include a prison internship, hospital residency, and congregational work in addition to chaplaincy for defense and native communities. He is currently a Doctor of Buddhist Ministries student, focusing on the spiritual well-being of transitioning service members.

The theme for May is Pluralism.

These services will be offered in person (AND ON ZOOM) at 11 AM. 

For Zoom access, click here. Enter: Meeting ID – 760 822 163 and Password – 2021809, or dial +1 301 715 8592.

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