Important Pandemic Survey

Dear Ones,

CVUU is a Panel Congregation in the Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) study. This study is looking at how the COVID pandemic has affected congregations. In 2022, the CVUU Board voted to participate in this study. In exchange for participating in this study, CVUU will receive an honorarium of $2,500.00. We have already received the first installment of $1,250.00. CVUU leadership has been providing information to the researchers as requested since 2022, but now information is being requested from each person who attends this congregation and who is18 years of age and older.

Click here to find the survey for you to complete: The survey will only take about 10 to 15 minutes of your time, and survey answers are non-identifiable.

We should consider it an honor that we have been selected to help in understanding the impact of COVID, and I hope that you are able to help CVUU participate fully in this important work.


Rev. Viola Abbitt and CVUU President David Kidd

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