Board Bits 8/20/24

The  CVUU Board of Directors met on August 15, 2024, via Zoom. 

Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator ( Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the Board meeting date.    The Board meets every month, either via Zoom or in person. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm. 

The meeting is open to congregants to observe. Congregational members who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President David Kidd before the meeting so they can be included on the agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next board meeting in September is TBD and will depend on the timing of the board retreat.

Rev Viola: Summer services are still underway. Regular church services will begin September 8th with the Ingathering and Water Communion. The Parents Group will reconvene in the fall once RE classes start.   

Rev Mark: Registration for the fall RE classes and Teacher recruitment are still ongoing. The Summer Intergenerational activities have been a success. The Lifespan Faith Development Committee, led by Bree Cahill, continues to meet and explore the upcoming RE curriculum. They meet on the first Sunday of the month at 12:15 PM in Room #206.    

Finance Committee/Ed Welp: We are off to a great start with many pre-paid pledges.  He is currently working with Susie to finish the FY2024 year-end report.

Next Steps: September 27-29. The Board has contracted with the UUA’s Financial Consultant, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Rosberry, to guide CVUU on best financial practices. The meeting will culminate in a congregational meeting on September 29th.   

Rental Task Force:  The Task Force is currently working to secure a new Event Coordinator. Once finalized, we will introduce the applicant! Stay tuned!😊 

Fundraising Committee: Jiffy Shore has agreed to begin convening a fundraising committee, hopefully finding committees willing to host an event. This would potentially be a quarterly event. This committee will serve as the base for all ideas and as a means to raise money and build community.   


  1. Always Doug Throp!  “ Saint Doug,” there are not enough words to convey how indebted we are to you! 
  2. Worship Services:  You all kept the summer services running smoothly and professionally!!!!  
  3. Sally Daniel: The amount of time, energy and dedication you have given CVUU for The Rental Task Force is Herculean!  You are Superwoman!
  4. Crystal Lennon: We all cherish the music, your creative ideas, and the fundraising event!