Board Bits

The CVUU Board of Directors met via Zoom on September 19, 2024. Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator (Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the Board meeting date. The Board meets every month, either via Zoom or in person. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm. The meeting is open to congregants to observe. Congregational members who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President David Kidd prior to the meeting, so they can be included on the
agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting will occur during the Board Retreat, scheduled for 10/12/2024, unless further needs arise, and then an additional Board meeting will occur on the regularly scheduled date of Oct 17th, 2024.

Next Steps weekend with the UUA’s financial consultant, Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Sept 27-29! Various committees and groups will be meeting with Next Steps as we explore ways we can become stronger financially as a congregation. A full schedule to be posted soon. The Board will meet with Next Steps on Friday, Sept 27, from 7 pm to 830 pm, and there will be a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 29, following Sunday service to discuss the “ next steps.” Rev Mark: It has been a very busy season. The Youth Faith Development begins this Sunday, 9/22/24, and tentative plans to hold a lock-in with other UU churches are being discussed. Adult Faith programming remains in the works to include the ongoing Yoga, the recent partnering with Social Justice on showing the documentary, “ Bad Faith,” and Read with the Revs.

Rev Viola: In October, Rev Viola will be on study leave. The three services have been covered. The Parents group will resume on 9/22/24. CVUU has acquired an additional Soul Matters curriculum entitled “ Soulful Homes” to be used by families. This will be presented to the congregation on September 22nd. There are currently 5 Covenant Groups using “ Soul Matters.” Membership Coordinator interviews are being conducted with Perry Duncan.

Ed Welp: Pledges are coming in strong. The Finance team is currently reviewing a letter of engagement with a Chesapeake firm to conduct a Financial review. This is not an audit and, therefore, is not as costly.
Though the cost ( approx 900.00 a year for five years = 4.500) is substantially lower than an audit, this is not currently covered in our budget. The cost will be allocated out of administrative costs at this
time and, going forward, will need to be a line budget item. As the requirements for a review are in our bylaws, this will not require a Board vote. The corrected budget will be given to Next Steps for review and
will be sent to the Board as requested.

Board Bouquets:
Julia Lawrence for creating and gifting us with gorgeous bouquets every Sunday in the sanctuary!!
The Blessing of the Teachers Service. We are so grateful for all who volunteer their time and talent to make the service meaningful and for those who give of their time to make meaning with our youth.

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