A Word From the Minister

Dear Ones,

Many religious traditions have identified four basic physical elements, fire, air, earth and water. There is something special about the element of water. It is everywhere, in ways we can see and in ways we can’t. About 71% of our planet Earth is covered in water, and approximately 60% of the human body is made up of water. Water is used to generate power and to travel. Water molecules flow freely while at the same time having amazing cohesive properties.   Water can destroy and water can give life. Lao Tzu is supposed to have said “Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” Yes. Water is special and it symbolizes many things, even for Unitarian Universalists.

The theme of this coming Sunday’s service on September 8th is “When No Invitation is Needed.” During that service we will celebrate our annual Water Communion. It is one way that we mark our coming together again after the summer by comingling water that we bring to the service. If you are coming to church this Sunday, please bring a small bit of water to add to the communal vessel that we will have in the sanctuary. If you are participating in Zoom, please have a small bit of water with you and a bowl to pour it in when it is time for the ritual.

This coming Friday is the first Fabulous First Friday of the church year. I hope to see you there. Don’t forget to register. And you can do that if you click here.

Covenant groups are starting up again. A Covenant Group is a group of about 6 to 10 people who gather on a regular basis to explore topics related to our monthly themes. They are a great way to engage in spiritual deepening and they are also a good way to get to know people. The first group that is scheduled to meet will be meeting on the third Sunday of each month before the service at 9:15am. If you are interested in participating in this group, please send me an email at minister@c-vuu.org. Another group is forming and will be held at a time yet to be determined. If you think you might be interested in facilitating a group, let me know.

And as an homage to water, I close this week with “Salt Water” by Ed Sheeran.

In peace and love,

Rev. Viola

Rev. Viola Abbitt  (She/They)
Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalists
809 South Military Highway
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Office: 1-757-627-5371x3Mobile: 1-757-354-4541

My Sabbath is on Monday.
To schedule an appointment, go to 
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