A Word From the Minister 6/12/24

Dear Ones,

This coming Sunday is our last regular service of the church year before we begin summer services, and it will be a special service. Last Sunday, we recognized the youth who bridged to adulthood. The Sunday before that, we recognized all the youth who had graduated from the Our Whole Lives program this year. This Sunday, we will be honoring those who have served as the teachers for the youth in our Faith Development; please make sure you come to show your appreciation for all of those who devoted their time to teaching our children and youth this past church year.

The Joe Jencks concert on Saturday and his participation in our worship service the day after were wonderful. We hope this concert will be the first of many we have at CVUU. Thank you to everyone who came out to show your support of the first event in our Art of Sound Concert Series.

Kudos to the Social Justice Committee for facilitating C-VUU hosting the Legislative Collaborative Table (LCT) of South Hampton Roads on Sunday. The LCT is a group of advocates and stakeholders who identify legislative priorities to advance social justice issues in our area. Each year in the fall, they host something called Social Justice University, where interested members of the public can come and get briefed on the issues to help engage in the advocacy necessary to bring about needed legislative change. And, by the way, we are also hosting Social Justice University. It will be on September 29th. Mark your calendars!

The LCT gives this presentation to CVUU every spring.

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) will take place from June 20th to June 23rd; this year, it is 100% virtual! GA is where the business of the UUA takes place, and this year, the most important business will be the vote on the proposed revisions to Article II of the bylaws of the UUA. Many interesting workshops will be offered. My first GA was an incredibly meaningful experience for me, as it is for many Unitarian Universalists. Attending GA was a wonderful and important part of my evolution as a Unitarian Universalist. I developed a deeper understanding of the fact that I was a part of something bigger and that Unitarian Universalism was more than just what we did in my congregation. If you have never attended GA and you think you might like to, there is still time to register. You can find registration information here: https://www.uua.org/ga/registration.

Remember, in June, we are giving away 50% of what we receive in our Sunday offering plate to the Norfolk Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. To find out more about Norfolk CASA, you can visit their website here: https://www.norfolkcasa.com/.

In further acknowledgment of the wonderful job our teachers have done—and, in truth, teachers everywhere—I close this week with “You Have Made a Difference” by THEUNKNOWN.

In peace and love,

Rev. Viola

Rev. Viola Abbitt  (She/They)
Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalists
809 South Military Highway
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Office: 1-757-627-5371x3Mobile: 1-757-354-4541

My Sabbath is on Fridays.
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