A Word From the Minister 6/19/24

Dear Ones,

This week is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly. Thank you to Kerry Kilburn, Julia Lawrence, and Lara Patton, who have agreed to be delegates for CVUU and vote on our behalf. There will be some important things the delegates will be voting on this year. There are several people who are running for office. There is the proposed revision to Article II, which I support, and there is the Proposed Action for Immediate Witness: Solidarity with Palestinians, which I have personally endorsed along with over 400 individuals and organizations. Even if you are not registered for GA, you can watch the General Sessions live. They begin on Thursday, June 20th at 1 PM. Viewing information is at this link https://www.uua.org/ga/off-site/2024. If you still want to register, the link is here https://www.uua.org/ga/registration.

This Sunday, our worship will be a little different. We will show the worship prepared for GA during our usual worship time. GA worship is always beautifully done, and in the years in which it is virtual, which is this year, it is always incredibly creative. It will most likely run for a little bit more than one hour. I hope to see you in church this Sunday.

I will be taking study leave and vacation beginning the last week of June and returning on August 19th. That being said, we have a lot of wonderful services planned for you this summer. I am grateful to the members and friends who have agreed to prepare worship for you while I am out of the pulpit and to the members of the Worship Services Committee who are going to hold everything together.

While I am away, as always, our Pastoral Associates, who are led by Stephanee Howell, are available for you to speak with if there is a matter that you feel the need to discuss. Their number is 757-632-4873, and their email address is laypastoralcare@c-vuu.org. If there is an emergency that requires a minister’s presence and I cannot be here, I have arranged with a colleague to be present if necessary. Our Congregational Administrator Susie Gullixson has that information, and she can always reach me should an emergency arise.

Don’t forget, in June, we are giving away 50% of what we receive in our Sunday offering plate to Norfolk Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. To find out more about Norfolk CASA, you can visit their website here https://www.norfolkcasa.com/.

The Summer Solstice is on Thursday, June 20th, at 4:50 PM. Some of us observe that day as a time acknowledging the endless cycles of the universe. And for some of us, it is simply the start of summer. And so, I close with some trance music perfect for the season, “Feels Like Summer” by Sander van Doorn.

Have a great summer!

In peace and love,

Rev. Viola

Rev. Viola Abbitt  (She/They)
Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalists
809 South Military Highway
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Office: 1-757-627-5371x3Mobile: 1-757-354-4541

My Sabbath is on Fridays.
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