Faith Development Corner 6/12/24

Happy Pride Month!

  • Last day of RE classes, Teacher Appreciation, No Parents’ Group,  and CVUU’s own Pride Parade, June 16, 2024
  • Summer Intergenerational Activity, Making Kites, June 30, 2024, after worship

RE classes, teachers, and parents will meet in the sanctuary at 10:00 AM, and then everyone will be dismissed to go outside to do many fun things before worship!

On Sunday, June 16, 2024, the teachers and all the youth will meet outside at 10:00 AM for games and activities to celebrate the end of the year’s faith formation classes. Parents and members are all invited to participate. CVUU will honor all the teachers during worship for their dedication to our youth. Also, the youth have created their own pride flags, and we will have our own Pride Parade!

June 30, 2024 starts our Summer Intergenerational Activities in the Social Hall, after worship at 12:00 PM.  We will be making kites so ALL ages are invited to participate.

For the current events for our youth, click here.

Please check out the Courier, CVUU website, and the Lifespan Faith Development tag for upcoming adult events and registrations. 

Please remember to register your child for RE (Faith Development Classes), which is required yearly. You must be registered to be in a class for safety, so we can track numbers. You can register here if you like.

Please contact Rev. Mark Wise if you have any questions at


Rev. Mark D. Wise (he, him, his)
Director of Lifespan Faith Development
757-627-5371 Ext. 2

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