Next Steps Weekend at CVUU

Please stay after the service on Sunday, September 28th, for a presentation and a meeting with Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry. She will be visiting CVUU that weekend to study our finances, backed by her team from the UUA. After meeting with the CVUU Board of Directors, … read more.

A Word From the Minister

Sometimes the most important invitations that we can extend are the ones that we can extend to ourselves. The self is something we often ignore when we are preoccupied with all the things life throws at us. Giving an invitation to yourself to do something … read more.

Board Bits 8/20/24

The  CVUU Board of Directors met on August 15, 2024, via Zoom. 

Board meeting minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the Congregational Administrator ( Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the Board meeting date.    The Board meets every month, … read more.

Faith Development Corner

September 18, 2024

Lifespan Faith Corner:

New American by Huascar Medina

 A Wonderful poem for all of us!!!

Faith Development Classes for all children and youth on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM.

Read with the Revs, The Gospel According to James Baldwin by Greg Garrett, 10:00 AM-10:50 AM, … read more.

Summer Worship is here!

Every summer the Worship team plans and helps deliver a series of lay-led services for CVUU. And, as we did last summer, there will be a scheduled Intergenerational Activity each Sunday after service too.

Here is the list of all summer services – for a printable … read more.

Board of Directors

CVUU elects ten members in good standing (pledging) to serve in the following roles: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and six Directors. The board, church staff, and bylaw-required committees derive their authority from the bylaws. In effect, we are a republic in which our elected officials and employees … read more.


The CVUU Arts and Walls Committee procures artists and plans ongoing art shows for the building’s main-floor art gallery in the front foyer. Since moving to our new building in 2018, CVUU has hosted a dozen such shows of local artists and photographers.

Art for July … read more.

Youth Faith Development

For Sept. 22nd, 2024

First Day of Classes!


Spirit Play: “Pledge to the Earth.”  Come find out!  Starts at 10:00 AM

2ND – 4TH Grades

Covenant Making

Soul Matters theme for the month is: The Gift of Invitation:

To focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith … read more.