Faith Development Corner 7/08/2024

  • Summer Intergenerational Activity, July 14, 2024 Jars and Sand Sculpture in the Social Hall at 12:00 PM.  Please join us and be creative.

Never too early to register for RE and to consider teaching for 2024-2025.

If you are an adult and would love to offer a class or a series of classes for other adults in the fall, then please let me know.  Art, Yoga, Astronomy, Fire Cider, Making, and a Read with the Revs have all been successes.

RE registration is open for the 2024-2025 church year for nursery through  grade 5 only.  It is never too early to register.  The link is:

For middlers and teens (grades 6-12), we will be doing the All 8 (Principles) Photography Workshop. The workshop introduces youth to a new way of approaching and processing the UU Principles, including the explicitly antiracist 8th Principle, which has been adopted. Each week, participants use one of the principles as their “lens” as they shoot photos throughout the week. The group then collectively explores each individual’s interpretations.  It is never too early to register. Please register here

Please check out the Courier, CVUU website, and the Lifespan Faith Development tag for upcoming adult events and registrations. 

Please get in touch with Rev. Mark Wise if you have any questions at


Rev. Mark D. Wise (he, him, his)
Director of Lifespan Faith Development
757-627-5371 Ext. 2

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