Faith Development Corner

September 24, 2024

The Flight of the Crows

By Emily Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)

The autumn afternoon is dying o’er

The quiet western valley where I lie

Beneath the maples on the river shore,

Where tinted leaves, blue waters and fair sky

Environ all; and far above some birds are flying by …

  • Read with the Revs, The Gospel According to James Baldwin by Greg Garrett, 10:00 AM-10:50 AM, Sunday, September 29, 2024 in Room 201. Please register.

Faith Development Classes have all started on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM.  Remember that we always meet in the Sanctuary at 10:00 AM to light the chalice and dismiss to different classes

The curriculum for the 2024-2025 church year are:

  • Grades PreK-1st–Spirit Play
  • Grades 2-6–Soul Matters and the theme is “Living Love Through the Practice of Invitation
  • Grades 7-12–ALL8 Youth Photography/Arts Workshop: Learning, Challenging & Embodying All 8 UU Principles Through the Lens of a Camera and/or Using the Languages of the Arts

Remember that you must register your child for religious education every year!  Please check the CVUU website to register so that we can plan for this upcoming church year.

If you are an adult and would love to offer a class or a series of classes for other adults in the fall, then please let me know.  We have yoga, astronomy, and art classes scheduled.

Please check out the Courier, CVUU website, and the Lifespan Faith Development tag for upcoming adult events and registrations. 

Please get in touch with Rev. Mark Wise if you have any questions at


Rev. Mark D. Wise (he, him, his)
Director of Lifespan Faith Development