Board Bits 11/17/22

The CVUU Board of Directors met via Zoom on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Board Meeting
Minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary or the
Congregational Administer ( Susie Gullixson) approximately 30 days after the board meeting date. The Board meets every month on Zoom and/or in person. The meeting is usually on
the third Thursday of each month at 7 pm. The meeting is open for congregants to observe.
Congregants who want to present items to the Board must notify CVUU Board President Steve
Ciganek prior to the meeting so they can be included on the agenda. The following is a
synopsis of pertinent items. The next Board meeting is December 15, 2022.
Rev Viola: We had 10 new people join our church! We are currently in the process of reviewing
applicants for the new music director position, and we now have permission to use the overflow
parking at Tidewater Finance.
CVUU Marketing and Rental Task Force: Board voted to approve a partnership with The Knot
for weddings. Currently in the process of exploring hiring an Event Coordinator. If you know
anyone interested, please contact the Board!
Ushers and Greeters: working to create a policy to assist in strengthening this vital volunteer
Signage: examining ways with the Building Council to improve our aesthetics with signs on the
grounds to include a smoking area to ensure the hosting of events will eliminate cigarette butt litter.
Fundraising Taskforce: Fabulous First Fridays are back! Starting in December. Please be
on the lookout for further information.
Word on the Street: Our church family is growing with wonderful children in the service. The
CREC will explore ideas for keeping the children engaged while in the service.
Board Bouquets:
All the wonderful volunteers working on Fabulous First Fridays.
Sally and Steve Daniel, and all the volunteers for a great and delicious Buddy Breakfast
Doug Throp and the Grounds and Landscaping crew for the extensive clearing of undergrowth
that revealed extensive shoreline erosion.
Garland Tillery for the funding of repairs and the time and energy he contributed in getting the
piano up to a high level of perfection.