September 2021
The CVUU Board of Directors met on Thursday, 16 September 2021. Board Meeting Minutes are typically available upon request from the CVUU Board Secretary (Lauren T. Furey) or Congregational Administrator (Susie Gullixson), approximately 30 days after the date of the Board meeting. The Board meets every month on Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting is usually on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. The meeting is open for congregants to observe. Congregants who want to present something to the Board must notify CVUU Board President Steve Ciganek prior to the meeting, so it can be included on the agenda. The following is a synopsis of pertinent and current items.
Director of Religious Education (DRE): Paul Greggs: Paul is very excited and enthusiastic about the upcoming RE event, “Trunk or Treat” on Saturday, October 30th, 2021. Participants will dress up their cars and hand out non-allergy treats to the children. So far there are 11 cars signed up! He is hoping for a total of 15 cars and 30 children to participate. It’s the perfect community event since it is safe and family-friendly. As Paul pointed out: no scary clowns or morbid things allowed!
Upcoming Virtual Board Retreat: On Saturday, 25 September 2021, the Board will be taking part in a virtual retreat run by the UUA. The theme of the workshop is “Focus on Covenant” and how the Board works together for the benefit of the congregation.
New Software Options: Tracy Navarra-Davis is setting up a meeting date for a discussion about possible new software programs for the church. She is hoping to have demos done. Possible companies include Breeze, Realm, or the currently used, ICON.
Stewardship: Are you an enthusiastic cheerleader for the church? Maybe you’re interested in taking part in the Stewardship Committee? Please let the Board know!
Outdoor Work on CVUU Grounds: The Eagle Scout has finished his portion of the Deck/Memorial Garden build project. It is the platform near the entry driveway. Please take a look! And remember that all persons must wear a mask and practice social distancing while working on the grounds and in the building. The building is accessible by Board members, staff, and an extremely limited number of others, primarily those who are doing work on the building.
Board Bouquets:
- Leo Bevin for getting 3 proposals for the new security system in the works
- Doug Throp and Ellie Fetterley for all the work on creating an outdoor Sanctuary in the Gathering Space.
- Grounds: for prepping our Church Grounds for the very successful outdoor service.
- Worship Services: For providing in-person and Zoom services.
- Tech Team: for adapting to quickly changing worship requirements
- Tret Fure: for providing in-person music for the 12 September service.
- And a great big, huge congratulation to Rayven Holmes for her accomplishment:
“From the UUA Lifespan Faith Engagement Office, Rayven has achieved Renaissance recognition for completing 75 hours of training. The UUA of Congregations greatly appreciates the support congregations provide for the continuing education of religious educators. Thank you for your commitment to strong religious education programming and for nurturing Rayven’s leadership.”
The remainder of the 16 September 2021 agenda was tabled without further discussion. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Lauren T. Furey, Board Secretary.
Reminder – You MUST wear your mask and distance while we worship together.